Last semester I was in shock at the number of classes I had to take in English despite having worked really hard just to come to Japan. I don't feel like i improved as much as I could have so this semester im taking a whopping 7 classes just in Japanese! and only one intercultural communication class just for practical purposes. Anyway, from now on I hope I can post more frequently, its been so busy around here with all the new and confusing things the school is making the students do this year that even the Japanese students are confused by it.
Anyway, as short as this post will be, I wanted to introduce what ive been up to during my free time these last few days. 炊飯器焼き物!!Thats right.... to make up for the lack of an oven the last 6 months, the moment I realized I could bake things using my rice cooker, I went crazy. Up to now I've made cheesecake, chocolate banana coffee cake, quiche and beer bread! Dont believe me? see for yourself...
My first experiment.. the Cheese cake!!
Banana Choco-Coffee cake
Guiness Bread. Actually, all of the breads Ive made so far are made with different beers, I still need to try making a normal bread with milk!