Monday, March 12, 2012



Its finally here, my certificate of eligibility! Note: "Business Papers"
Its fun getting a mail that basically says, "your future is here" Next is a plane ticket I suppose.

btw, I know ive been really lazy about posting stuff. Ive been wondering though, who even reads this?? I could post all kinds of junk on here and if noone reads it I won't get in trouble right? Anyway, im so lazy ive been thinking about going into hybernation and putting this blogging madness to sleep for a while. If you do read this, shoot me and email or comment to let me know..

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What am I doing?

Sometimes I wonder what exactly am I doing? Aside from going to war with kanji and bulding myself a UFC body, not a whole lot. But I did get a very nice email today.. asking for my address in order to send 在留資格認定証明書! Thats right. Its only a matter of weeks... Time to make some money!

Well I dont feel so bad having to wait for so long nowww.