Saturday, September 18, 2010

Being Glad it Happened

Ah, its not easy sitting here in the corner of my house's mini library. Finding refuge away from the noise that comes with living in a big house with 17 roommates, fraternity and sorority neighbors, police sirens and the sound of breaking glass and parties at all the neighbors houses that usually accompany each night. Its been about a month since i've been back home, I would've been leaving for Japan in less than a week this time last year. I spent more time than I ever wanted to writing failed essays for scholarships and filling out paper work for the year long process just to get there. Before I knew it, my year in Japan was gone just like that. And yes it was worth it!

I've spent many weeks trying to wrap my mind around everything that happened before I left for Japan and what happened while I was there. The truth is i've been too busy for myself to properly reflect and soak it all in. As I continue to think this all up, I realize that I was dreading the day I would be writing my last post. While hoping not to lose my connection to Japan, I feel myself fighting for air to breath in this sea of academics and resumed responsibilities. I realized that If I didn't take this very moment for my self to take a break I never would. In other words, in the short time i've been in America, I quickly found myself swamped in my studies again, neglecting time that I should be taking to build or rebuild the relationships around me. Waking up each day at the same time, eating the same breakfast and rushing of to class at the same time... worrying about the same things. I wonder as if nothing has changed. The life around my school hasn't seemed to change one bit. People still caught up in little dramas about who thinks this about who and what. *sigh*

Before I go down that road, I should remember something... I am not the same person I was before I left. While putting a video together for this years Study Abroad Info Session, I wanted to make something I could use as an aid to help promote the city and school I spent the best year of my life so far in. Going through the pictures i had put in chronological order, I began to remember some of my favorite moments in the first few months. Going through some old raw footage seeing everything from blackmail worthy footage to just plain hilarious moments I found myself in nostalgia again. To take in the year as a whole, I realized that I cannot let my days be spent doing what i'm not passionate about. And yes, I have decided that I will go back to Japan one day, to live there for at least a few years... While pressing my shoulder to the wall to make sure i'm even more prepared during my next round, I also realize that I can't my life in America pass me by.

To everyone I met, to those who let me be a part of their lives, to my friends in America who kept in touch and skyped with me, to those who came from all over the world to share my life with me in Oita... I am thankful for each and everyone of you!! I will never forget any of you!! Although I was sad to see it end, I was glad it happened. For that I promise to keep looking forward and pursuing more opportunities to meet people like you.

As for the video, I managed to compress some of my most treasured moments in Oita throughout the entire year into 4 minutes. However, there were so many more moments I wanted to share but just didn't have the time or space needed. Hopefully from the eyes of those interested in studying abroad, seeing how much fun we all had might convince them to follow in our footsteps at Oita too.