I feel like a full time student again. I have 2 exams waiting for me in December and a 700 page book to read. With my daily checklist as: Work, Gym, Study, Study and Update Resume, I havent found too much time to aimlessly browse youtube or my fridge without feeling guilty. Its a good thing i guess.
In this season im really trying to change some gears from this life i've had for the last 3 years. Yes, its been a great life filled with fun, adventure, mischief and unexpected hurdles.
I recently went to a work meeting and got to know a few people who are really gifted and intelligent. People with business degrees, psychology experience and really talented in their interests. However, some of these people about a decade older than me have lost confidence in themselves to become what they originally dreamed of.
"I always thought of being ________. But right now the pay is not bad and the hours are great." Seems to be the common excuse these days to stop pursuing something more. And im guilty of it too. But after seeing people twice my age feeling stuck like this however.. ive decided. Hell no, im not falling into that comfort trap.
I am thankful for my life in Yokohama, my Job and all my friends. Yet, I realized that there are so many things I still want to do before I can be ok with dying. I don't know what my future holds, but its about time i needed to be reminded that being blessed by a certain situation doesn't mean "take it easy". Its meant to just be a step towards the next big thing.
For some who see my blog but don't have me on facebook, here is part 2 of my adventure I had in Bali over the summer. Hope you can get some ideas for your own adventure.
Please leave comments and any advice I can get about video editing tips, things you like to read about...places I should checkout for my next vacation..!