Friday, May 15, 2015

Being Thankful

Colossians 3:17
"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."


Its been over six months since my last post! To say alot has happened since then is an understatement. One thing that made me want to write again (apart from being too lazy to write in pen) is that I want to express how thankful I am.  First, to God for blessing with so much.  Through all my years in university and working up to now, ive been blessed with amazing connections that lasted beyond my expectations, all of which have turned into great friendships.

6か月以上ぶりです! その時から色々あったって言葉で説明できません。怠け者だからペンで書きたくないというより、このブロッグでまた書こう理由は皆に対して感謝の気持ちを送りたいです。まず、いろいろ祝福されたことで神様に感謝してます。大学のときから社会人として生活してる今まで、友達とのつながりが期待していたより時間が経っても強くなりました。友人がいっぱいいると言えるようになりました。

I am thankful for my friends who speak encouragement into my life when I need it the most. Joy is a word that barely describes how I feel after a long tiring day of work or volunteering when I can relax and just share a meal, chill out with someone and we simply can just enjoy each others presence.

Up to now, with all the blessings, there have also been some challenging times when I didn't know what I was doing or what to expect. Everything from knowing how I should feel about my job to questioning my vision and to making some tough decisions about relationships.  All I know at this moment is that I am blessed with alot of opportunities, and its up to me to prioritize, find my gifts and use them towards a vision way bigger than myself. For that situation I am thankful beyond words.

As I go on taking the next challenges, I hope I can find something good to share with everyone.

Thanks for reading!


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