Monday, August 3, 2015

Jon Pritikin

A couple of months ago, Strong Man Jon Pritikin paid a visit to our church in Yokohama.

He often travels around the world speaking at schools and other events as an Anti-Bullying speaker. He shares his experiences in hopes of inspiring any person struggling with low self esteem or past failures to see themselves in a positive light. 世界中各地の学校を回っていじめに対して自分の経験をシェアしています。

When I filmed this, it actually wasn't the first time I heard his story.  I listened to his message and saw his performances a few times before about a year or so ago. In all honesty I wasn't planning on listening to something I already heard before. In my mind I felt that I already knew what was going to happen. I ended up staying because of some friends who had come to see him for the first time. 

However, even thought the message was familiar, something was different that night.  I don't quite know if it was the way he delivered his words or a different story he shared from before, but something quite unexpectedly hit me. だけど、あの夜の話には何かを感じました。もちろん、前回のメセージの内容と似ていたが、メセージの伝え方か、彼の言葉が僕の心に響いた。「何これ、彼話していることをもう知っているのに、なぜ僕が泣きそう..」という感じをしました。

One set of words that I remember from that night, "just because you may have failed at something, it doesn't make you a failure.." 「失敗を何回起こしても、あなたは失敗作わけではない、..」と言う言葉を覚えています。

About a few weeks before that message, I had actually been struggling with some feelings of depression and disillusionment. Because of some unfortunate recent events that lead to some tough decisions I had to make and dreams that I had to give up, I was feeling pretty low for the first time in years. At a time when I felt helpless and that whatever I tried ended in failure, i was feeling like throwing my arms up and giving in to anger, negativity and so many unhealthy feelings about myself.

Its quite relieving though. Even though I thought I knew what would be said and what would happen, somehow I felt that message was for me.  Yes, I had failed quite badly and wasn't doing much to make things better. But just like when God speaks. Sometimes its something we already know, but there are times we just need that push, that word of encouragement to speak life into a situation that feels like death. Because of a simple story and set of words, I realized that I didn't have to live like a failure just because I had failed before.  Having made mistakes in your past does not make you a failure. With God you always get a new start. でも、ジョン・プリティキンの言葉を聞いてよかった。彼が言ってたことは頭の中にもう知っていたのに僕の心は初めてそのメセージを聞いたようでした。もう失敗していたからちゃんと反省して改善対策のやる気はなかった。でも、神様の言葉みたいに彼の言ったことは自分のため用意出来たことを感じていた。「神様の言葉はもう知っている..」という考えは時々あるかもしれませんが、予想外のことで僕たちの心は神様に響かれる。簡単の言葉、シンプルのストリーで励まされた。失敗をしたことあるから失敗作として生きるわけには行かない。神様に頼るなら新しいチャンスはいつもくれる。

While sorting through all the pictures and videos on my phone through the last two years, I found this video of Jon Pritikin and it reminded me of how I was feeling in that season of my life. I hope that if anyone reading this is remembering some past failures in their own life... I just want to encourage you by saying that your failures do not define who you are. Just because you may have made some mistakes, it doesn't make you a mistake. 携帯で取った写真とビデオの整理をしていた時このビデオを見つけた。あのときのシーズンのを思い出した。もし、誰かがこのブログをよんで、自分の辛くて苦しんでいた時を思い出すかもしれない。あなたに言いたい、過去の間違い、失敗したこと、あまり良くない決断をしたことがあってもあなたは失敗作ではない。

Thanks for reading,

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