Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Being in Japan these last few days just doesn't seem real. Each morning so far ive woken up wondering why I haven't woken up in California. I guess this journey has been so long in the making that I didn't know if it would ever finally happen. But it has.

Though its seemed like a dream so far, Its been amazing! Though there is one thing haven't seen more of in the last three days than ever before I came here and that thing is 書類 (shorui) aka paper work or legal documents. The main things you must do once you arrive in Oita are:

登録の申請 - Alien Registration. You have to get a special ID card which you apparently must carry at all times.

国保- National Health Insurance

携帯- A cell phone.

Actually, there is definitely more things that you must do, but those are secondary. The last three days have been a bit crazy just getting things together and making my apartment cozy and making sure that Im filling out all the right paperwork so I don't run into any legal misfortune.

Tomorrow Ill be off the Oita Daigaku to take the Japanese Placement Test. Oh how I wish I had studied over the summer. ..When you get here, you've gotta hit Japanese Language with EVERYTHING you've got.


  1. what is japan like? i'm in high shcool and have been planning a trip since sixth grade. last year my science teacher leant me his textbook and i learned as much as i could but not quite enough. . .

  2. Japan so far is pretty crazy. Its only been 6 days since ive been here so far and my Japanese needs alot of work. Its really fun though if you go out of your way to talk to people even if it is in broken japanese. The least intimidating people to talk to are usually older people. Even though most of the ones ive met so far don't really understand english, they get really excited when a foreigner is trying to make conversation with them in their own language. The most difficult thing to understand are all of the signs in Kanji.
