Thursday, July 1, 2010

Honshuu Trip ..."Jari goes to Todaiji"

Those of you who saw the video in the last post must have noticed a friend of mine stuck inside a pole? yes? Anyhow, at Todaiji Temple in Nara, crawling through the large pillar apparently gives you a year of good luck. Most of the people we saw crawling through it were kids... but we decided... "why not!?" and gave it a go. Most of us made it through.. and as for my friend in the pole.. most of us were too busy laughing and being jerks while watching a random Japanese guy pull him while two elderly women from behind pushed on his butt to help pop him out... Good times... Im sorry Jari.. please don't kill me. T_T

1 comment:

  1. Muah! That's one funny clip. Lot's of luck for Jari!
