Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Im in America and I'm still posting on this thing?

Yes, ive been back, but my work concerning Japan isn't quite done. In a few weeks I will be sharing my experiences in Oita with students who want to go to Japan at the 説明会。Unfortunately that means one thing... school starting again. Thats right, my summer which had just begun, has now come to an end. My first day back at state wasn't too bad. Seeing familiar faces of other friends who either went to other schools in Japan or never left was nice. Also moving into a big house with my old frat mates isn't so bad. Theres new faces, but alot of legit people to be friends with.

Anyways, Im back in school. My one complaint is concerning textbooks. I realized that in Japan, colleges actually care about students and show it by providing cheap textbooks, free handout reading materials and cheap meals at school. However, this is not the case at SDSU or in America. Students pay ridiculous amounts of money for living in a dorm, buying a used text book (my finance book will cost $149 used), or getting ripped off with over priced items at the campus bookstore. Unfortunately there isnt much regulation and thats just how it is for now. I suppose I could consider it more motivation towards going back to Japan or pursuing other opportunities abroad. I want to learn alot, but I don't wanna grow up just yet.

I guess im going to cut my midnight rant short. But first, I know people have been asking me if I'm glad to be back. Of course I am. Actually it is nice to be back, away from the crazy humidity and in a place where the beaches are sandy and the waves are actually there. Yet, I had such a good experience abroad that it just went by too fast. Now I got this itch to go back... combined with a huge impression left on me by all of the people I met this last year. Alot of these friends I may possibly never see again, being that they are from all over the world, but then again... I could see them again! When people see me, sometimes they may wonder if Im depressed about coming back, but it cant be helped. Ill be doing my best to keep looking forward, cuz I can't just stop now. Ive become international and Im going to keep it that way.

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