Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hiroshima Beer Co. Week 1

A very unfortuate problem happened to my computer, so there will not be many pictures or frequent posts for a little while. Thank God there is an apple store in Fukuoka though.

Now about my internship..

Im not quite sure how to say it, but I think in the last few days ive been realizing and starting to ask myself "What did i get myself into?" I've really enjoyed my time here so far and its like being an exchange student again except this time is different. Working at Hiroshima-san is such a different environment from a class room. Very quickly, I learned that this internship is no joke. Somehow I knew it but it never really hit me that doing an internship or any type of work in Japan would be nothing but pure immersion.

The only problem (well, not really a problem) is that this is my first time ever experiencing a professional environment. Basically taking a one-two punch, not only is it my first time trying to function in this kind of place, Its all in Japanese!!! OMG! is one of many expressions I have exploding throughout my brain on a daily basis. Ive got so much vocabulary Im learning for formal and business settings too. The cool part though is the products I get to catalog.

In a sense I think ive done a little bit of the same thing working for my dad. Documenting reciepts, products and all that. But on a much larger scale and instead of tire repair supplies its imported beer! I think its a miracle that i've basically been hooked up with this internship. My main challenges that I attempt to overcome are my recognition skills for kanji of names and places. Knowing them and or bein able to copy them is essential, or I would spend all day doing one piece of paperwork. The second challenge are those damn katakana words. Instead of really looking up all these Belgian, German, French... etc beers by their original name, I have to know the katakana versions. Ahh.. if katakana english wasn't already annoying enough.. But its all good, I like the products, im learning knew words in relation to brewing, beer, and business so its got my interest on lock for now.

Some of the assignments ive been given include making documents for orders, calculating shipment costs, and arranging cases and assortments for the beer at the warehouse. One thing that got me a bit nervouse though was sending emails to breweries. They already had me placing orders to companies in England for thousands of dollars worth of this stuff. The work so far is good though, the staff is nice and Ive got lots to learn. :)

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